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My name is Geronimo Rubio. On line Marketing is a tough gig...Unless you have the proper tools, the right mind frame and know how to avoid the BS that exist in the World of Affiliate Marketing, MLM & other programs that people pitch everyday. Here you will find the tools and how to get them FREE (for the most part) and the programs that I personally will introduce you to that I feel have potential. But like everything in the world: "Nothing is FREE when it comes to making Money" "Whether it cost a small Fee to get in or No Fee at all, there is still work to be done & everyone knows that Time=Money...Now the tools can be used for FREE but generally they are limited and usually have a AD attached to them advertising the program being used, So FREE in reality doesn't exist...But your Dreams Can Come True with enough hard work, determination & aspirations"
Peace, Love, Prosperity & GOD Speed to all of you!!!

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    Just me answering some important questions. This is to answer the questions of "Iwilleatpie" : Go to this link here...This is a FREE program to do this with http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=57023 The program is called "AVIsynth"

    This is to answer the question of "Javittime" Camtasia Studio 5...But there is a free software called "Hypercam2" go to geronimorubio.com All links to free software is there on the front of page left hand side top. If you haven't checked out these software videos yet, Here are the sites to check out: Pinnacle: http://geronimorubio.com/pinnacle - Green Screen Wizard: http://geronimorubio.com/greenscreenwizard All fianl edits done in Pinnacle 12 Ultimate. Peace!!!