BlastoMatic - Free Version: 12 Million Ads Blast per month - Download over 5,000 leads per month - Pro Version: 12 Million Ads Blast per day - Download over 5,000 leads per day - $14.95 per month - - This system works great on your different business like The Peoples Program -
About Me
My name is Geronimo Rubio. On line Marketing is a tough gig...Unless you have the proper tools, the right mind frame and know how to avoid the BS that exist in the World of Affiliate Marketing, MLM & other programs that people pitch everyday. Here you will find the tools and how to get them FREE (for the most part) and the programs that I personally will introduce you to that I feel have potential. But like everything in the world: "Nothing is FREE when it comes to making Money" "Whether it cost a small Fee to get in or No Fee at all, there is still work to be done & everyone knows that Time=Money...Now the tools can be used for FREE but generally they are limited and usually have a AD attached to them advertising the program being used, So FREE in reality doesn't exist...But your Dreams Can Come True with enough hard work, determination & aspirations"
Peace, Love, Prosperity & GOD Speed to all of you!!!
Twitter Updates - This online URL Rotator service is awesome. Whether your on a budget or on a You can't go wrong with this offer. They have a FREE rotator with a small ad and a Unlimited version for just $6.95 per month. - The Peoples Program is a Great program to earn quick cash online - Distributed by Tubemogul. - This online URL Rotator service is awesome. Whether your on a budget or on a You can't go wrong with this offer. They have a FREE rotator with a small ad and a Unlimited version for just $6.95 per month. - The Peoples Program is a Great program to earn quick cash online - Distributed by Tubemogul. "There are millions of people out there just WAITING for YOU to show them a better way. Just as your inviter has done for you!"
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When a gift horse shows his teeth, opens his mouth and begins to speak, I will stay there and listen. I know that information such as this is generally hard to come by without charge.
These ebooks are FREE and built to help you "Earn Cash Make Money Online". The FREE eBook covers everything from an introduction to search engine marketing to tips and tricks on how to improve your order page. If you apply all tips and tricks that you learn in this ebook to your web site, it is almost guaranteed that you’ll get more visitors and more sales.
Easy Wealth Solution is one of the Hotteset "Legitimate Work at Home" opportunities on the internet today. All you need is some FREE eBooks to improve your skills on SEO and promotion of your site.
You could pay much money for an Internet marketing eBook, or you can benefit from the proven methods that are described in this eBook for free. And myself, Geronimo Rubio and my site Free Daily Cash Solution are very Happy to find them and bring them to you for FREE.
Promoting your EZ Wealth Solution Business to achieve "Financial Freedom" is the goal of myself and many others and the great thing is the program sells itself. But having these FREE eBooks is always a great advantage to those who take thier techniques and use them.
OK everybody,Another FREE give away from yours truly. I have been doing a lot of research and reading. It takes a long time to find all this information and I offer it free to you my readers in articles, news, Guru Articles and so on. I appreciate all of my visitors and readers and today I am giving some of the research I found.These are eBooks that will give you a lot of great information. Some of you may have these and some of you won’t. But I’ll bet all of you that none of you have them all. So I hope you enjoy them as much as I did and you learn something of value from them to help your business grow as I have. So here we go, they are direct links to the .PDF file with NO opt-in.
And here is the list:
- 4 PPC advertising tips.pdf
- 7-web-analytics-sins.pdf
- AffMasters.pdf
- blog-profits-blueprint.pdf
- Building-Traffic-With-Article-Marketing.pdf
- Creating-A-Blog-With-Blogger.pdf
- Easy-Info-Product-Riches.pdf
- Ebook-Marketing-Revealed.pdf
- ebook-google-adwords-maximimum-effect.pdf
- ebook-insiders-guide-adwords.pdf
- ebook-overture-adwords-seobook.pdf
- eSearchBook.pdf
- Feedblitz-Tutorial.pdf
- google.pdf
- How-To-create-and-sell-info-products.pdf
- icreatemillions.pdf
- illegal-seo.pdf
- improving_visibility.pdf
- make-money-online.pdf
- MySpaceMarketingSecrets.pdf
- NicheInspectorFormula.pdf
- AffiliatePayday.pdf
- SEO-101.pdf
- SEO-optimization-and-online-promotion.pdf
- seo-wordpress-blogs.pdf
- seoebook.pdf
- Strategies-in Launching-Your-Products.pdf
- Success-In-10-Steps.pdf
- science-of-getting-rich.pdf
- the-expert-guide-to-ppc-marketing.pdf
- think-and-grow-rich.pdf
- Tips-to-article-writers.pdf
- TubePros.pdf
- Viral-Marketing-With-Blogs.pdf
This is all 33 eBooks in zip format -
You can go to each URL and File/Save Page As - to your hard drive or you can just click on the zip file and download all of them at once. I hope these eBooks help you and I was able to help you by bringing them to you here. I enjoy helping people and I know that I will receive my rewards for doing so. Good luck in all your endeavors. Peace and GOD speed.
Geronimo Rubio
This site was setup for those of you who have signed up to the quot;EZ Wealth Solution quot; Program. My Name is Geronimo and I will be showing you the many different ways to promote your NEW online Business.
I found some more great tools to help you promote your EZ Wealth solution business or whatever business you decide to promote. - - -
My EZ Wealth Solution Site. Welcome to my site and Much Success to you. A site to help you learn how to promote your Home Based Business online. Link #1 or Link #2 Distributed by Tubemogul.
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EZ Wealth Solution. FREE URL Rotators. The program really sells itself. And I am paying for your $47 package when you come in at Package #1 and I will advertise your site for you. Peace. Distributed by Tubemogul. (Ez Wealth Solution) We'll pay your way in!
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These are results of what I show you on my videos. Mentoring is something I love to do and I am glad to help when and where I can.
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Geronimo Rubio back with a great program to help you "Make Money Online". I've been away for awhile but "I'm Back". So now it's time to get it moving and keep looking for my new "Free Mentor Program Videos" coming real soon.
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Another lesson from Free Mentor Program Dot Com. This is a audio conversion software 100% FREE. Extract audio from Video, great tool for PodCasters. I thought it could help. Another FREE lesson from Geronimo Rubio. here is the link:
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Another lesson from Free Mentor Program Dot Com. This is a video conversion software 100% FREE. It converts many formats of video. I thought it could help. Another FREE lesson from Geronimo Rubio. here is the link:
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Another lesson from Free Mentor Program Dot Com. This is a video conversion software 100% FREE. It converts many formats of video. I thought it could help. Another FREE lesson from Geronimo Rubio. here is the link: Find me here: Distributed by Tubemogul.
I already gave you one site that was FREE to signup with and make money online...Well here is Number 2. These sites actually pay you to SURF the NET...NO REALLY!!! Just click on the picture above or link below and have a look at what they offer. This is Geronimo, always trying to find FREE ways of making money online whenever I can. Peace my friends.
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If your looking for a site that can help you make "Money Online" from multiple streams, this is the site. They offer lots of different ways to generate income. The best part about this site is it's 100% FREE! Just click on the ad above and whala, your on your way to generating multiple streams of income with ease.
One of the best ways to make money online is with a email list. Well you need a opt-in page and here is your FREE answer. Another FREE lesson from Geronimo Rubio - Mentor.
For those of you new to online marketing or those making very little money, I am showing you two sites to get a FREE website and FREE autoresponder and how to use them. Another lesson from Geronimo Rubio - Mentor TWP
Creating Multiple Streams of Income and Why
By Geronimo Rubio
Have you ever heard or read the phrase “multiple streams of income” before? Do you know what this phrase means? For many businessmen, creating multiple streams of income online or offline is one way of securing themselves as well as their businesses in the future. They also believe that it can also save them from the so-called famine effect in the business industry. Once you are engaged in the Affiliate Marketing Business, it is advisable if you have multiple streams of income so that if one of those income streams happen to vanish, it will not upset you the way losing your Sole Stream would. If you depend on just One Source of Income and this single stream has been downsized or has drizzle off, you’ll surely find yourself bankrupt and sitting on the side of The Road of Success broke down. Try to ask the most successful online entrepreneurs, and you’ll discover that they have established multiple streams of online income.
There is a businessman that said and attested that the very first step you must take in creating multiple streams of income is to assess or evaluate your resources. Start by assessing yourself first. Jot down your answers to the following questions:
- What are the talents, abilities, strength and gears that you possess?
- Are you gifted with excellent and creative writing skills?
- Can you do well at sales? Are you good in communicating with people?
- Are you born with an artistic skill or unique ability that other people don’t have?
Through this, you can determine the kind of business where can possibly excel.
Next, look around and write down your assets and physical resources such as computer, color printer, scanner, digital camera, cell phone, CD or DVD burner. Write these all down because it can be used as a resource. Consider also your friends and family. Find out what do they possess that you have access to. Remember that no man is an island. You can use the talents, abilities, knowledge and resources of everyone you know.
That’s basically the initial step if you want to create multiple income streams. But if you’re already a webmaster or a site owner, you definitely have an edge. Why don’t you join affiliate marketing business to help you gain extra income out of your own website?
Being involved in Affiliate Marketing is one of the most desirable ways to make multiple sources of income. It is because affiliate marketing programs come in various shapes and forms. There are a large number of affiliate marketing programs that you can sign on with and start gaining bucks right away. In affiliate marketing, you can make money by promoting and reselling your affiliate products and by recruiting new affiliates. What’s good about this is that you can find widest array of training materials that can enhance your marketing abilities. In affiliate marketing, you can be sure that there are genuine products to promote and sell and there is real income to make.
Either part time or full time, being an affiliate marketer is an excellent way to create multiple income streams by means of promoting products and services from web merchants. Here, you can get affiliate commission without investing big bucks in making your own product and without worrying about book keeping, customer support and ecommerce. All you have to do is to promote and resell the products and services in your site and pass on potential customer’s the merchant’s site.
In affiliate marketing, it is advisable to promote more merchants in your site so that your visitors will have variety of destinations to choose from. Using multiple merchants in the same site or niche means only one thing – you have multiple streams of affiliate income. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this business strategy because this is one of the best ways to protect your business and expanding your horizons. Through this, you can be assured that you won’t experience crisis if ever one of your web merchants closed his/her program.
However, you should choose only those affiliate programs that interest you so that you can effectively advertise and promote them. Don’t ever be tempted into signing up for numerous affiliate programs in the hope that one of them will bring income. Select wisely and don’t be engaged in selling products you know nothing about. Go with the stuff that jives with your enthusiasm; your passion can capture your client by the nose and guide him/her to your affiliate link.
You should also work hard to make your multiple streams of income more stable. You can do this by embracing some strategies and tactics and by developing within yourself, some traits that can help you become successful in any kind of business such as patience, persistence and thirst for knowledge.
Lastly, just remember the adage that says “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” So that if one of them is lost, you can still have some to make omelets. And what do these eggs have to do with multiple streams of affiliate income? Well, it goes without saying that the more streams of income you possess, the bigger and better your money lake becomes.
“Peace and GOD speed my friends. May your Success Story be one the continues on for generations to come.”

This program absolutely works. I have seen the proof, and they say the "Proof is in the Pudding" or "Seeing is Believing". So click on this link-: :- and go to the site and watch the videos and see what it's all about. I am Geronimo Rubio, Mentor for Team Wolf pack and owner of Distributed by Tubemogul.
This is A site that always has great news about SEO, Affiliate Marketing and SEO Tools for you to use 100% FREE! As an Internet Marketer, I try to find resources that will benefit my online business. This site offers some great information and SEO Tools 24/7 for 100% FREE!! This is another lesson brought to you by: Geronimo Rubio - Mentor for Team Wolf Pack of Wolf Pack Marketing. Distributed by Tubemogul.
This video is to help those new and experienced in getting traffic to there videos, websites, services and products using high page ranked video sites, vidoe upload sites and while gathering backlinks at the same time. This is a lesson by Geronimo Rubio - Mentor - Team Wolf Pack Distributed by Tubemogul.
Several Grphics Generator Sites Here. - - - . These sites offer Graphic Genertator Tools 24/7 for 100% FREE!! This is another lesson Presented By: Geronimo Rubio, Mentor for Team Wolf Pack & Wolf Pack Marketing. ... Distributed by Tubemogul.
This is the secret life of the American Internet Marketer. This address will tell you the secret. Just go to find out why this ROCKS!!! And learn his secret. Peace, Geronimo. And don't tell Otis I told you. Distributed by Tubemogul.
This website allows you to start meetings where you can give business presentations via the internet for 100%FREE. You can also record these meetings as lessons for others who were unable to make the meeting.
Come one Come All, Mentors, Gurus, Trainers. This is your NEW home. Come and teach the Masses and help them be successful like yourself. The site is and your audience awaits you. Distributed by Tubemogul.
Here are 25 more FREE eBooks I have found on the web. These are dealing with 3 main subjects and break into about 7 others. I hope you enjoy these FREE eBooks and I hope they help you out a lot my friends. Peace and GOD speed.
SEO and and PPC tips
- SEOWorpress Blogs
- SEO 101
- Illegal SEO Tatics
- SEO Optimization and Online Promotion
- Improving Visibility
- Avoid Dishonest SEO Methods
- The Unfair Advantage Book
- The H-Files
- The Expert Guide To PPC Marketing
- 4 Powerful PPC Advertising Tips
- PPC Marketing
Article & eBook Writing & More
- ArticleWritingTips
- Tips to Article Writers
- Article Writing Tips For Creating Content With Punch
- 5 Step Article
- 7 Tips for a Success Article
- Online Writing Course
- 57 FREE eBook Articles
- 45 Places to Promote Your Ebook
- Blogging for Profit
- Blogging for Profit 2
- Blogging for Fun or Profit
- Blogging Business basics
- Blogging as a tool: innovative approaches to information access
- 101 Avon Tips and Tricks for FREE
Services I have used
eBook Empire @
7 Day eBook Writing @
Article and Email Power @
Marketing for Dummies @
Absolutely 100% FREE web Hosting @
Here are 25 more FREE eBooks I have found on the web. These are dealing with 3 main subjects and break into about 7 others. I hope you enjoy these FREE eBooks and I hope they help you out a lot my friends. From myself (Geronimo Rubio) and Team Wolf Pack, Peace and GOD speed.
SEO and and PPC tips
- SEOWorpress Blogs
- SEO 101
- Illegal SEO Tatics
- SEO Optimization and Online Promotion
- Improving Visibility
- Avoid Dishonest SEO Methods
- The Unfair Advantage Book
- The H-Files
- The Expert Guide To PPC Marketing
- 4 Powerful PPC Advertising Tips
- PPC Marketing
Article & eBook Writing & More
- ArticleWritingTips
- Tips to Article Writers
- Article Writing Tips For Creating Content With Punch
- 5 Step Article
- 7 Tips for a Success Article
- Online Writing Course
- 57 FREE eBook Articles
- 45 Places to Promote Your Ebook
- Blogging for Profit
- Blogging for Profit 2
- Blogging for Fun or Profit
- Blogging Business basics
- Blogging as a tool: innovative approaches to information access
- 101 Avon Tips and Tricks for FREE
Services I have used
eBook Empire @
7 Day eBook Writing @
Article and Email Power @
Marketing for Dummies @
Absolutely 100% FREE web Hosting @
OK everybody,Another FREE give away from yours truly. I have been doing a lot of research and reading. It takes a long time to find all this information and I offer it free to you my readers in articles, news, Guru Articles and so on. I appreciate all of my visitors and readers and today I am giving some of the research I found.These are eBooks that will give you a lot of great information. Some of you may have these and some of you won’t. But I’ll bet all of you that none of you have them all. So I hope you enjoy them as much as I did and you learn something of value from them to help your business grow as I have. So here we go, they are direct links to the .PDF file with NO opt-in.
And here is the list:
- 4 PPC advertising tips.pdf
- 7-web-analytics-sins.pdf
- AffMasters.pdf
- blog-profits-blueprint.pdf
- Building-Traffic-With-Article-Marketing.pdf
- Creating-A-Blog-With-Blogger.pdf
- Easy-Info-Product-Riches.pdf
- Ebook-Marketing-Revealed.pdf
- ebook-google-adwords-maximimum-effect.pdf
- ebook-insiders-guide-adwords.pdf
- ebook-overture-adwords-seobook.pdf
- eSearchBook.pdf
- Feedblitz-Tutorial.pdf
- google.pdf
- How-To-create-and-sell-info-products.pdf
- icreatemillions.pdf
- illegal-seo.pdf
- improving_visibility.pdf
- make-money-online.pdf
- MySpaceMarketingSecrets.pdf
- NicheInspectorFormula.pdf
- AffiliatePayday.pdf
- SEO-101.pdf
- SEO-optimization-and-online-promotion.pdf
- seo-wordpress-blogs.pdf
- seoebook.pdf
- Strategies-in Launching-Your-Products.pdf
- Success-In-10-Steps.pdf
- science-of-getting-rich.pdf
- the-expert-guide-to-ppc-marketing.pdf
- think-and-grow-rich.pdf
- Tips-to-article-writers.pdf
- TubePros.pdf
- Viral-Marketing-With-Blogs.pdf
This is all 33 eBooks in zip format -
You can go to each URL and File/Save Page As - to your hard drive or you can just click on the zip file and download all of them at once. I hope these eBooks help you and I was able to help you by bringing them to you here. I enjoy helping people and I know that I will receive my rewards for doing so. Good luck in all your endeavors. Peace and GOD speed.
Geronimo Rubio
Writing a Article. How about Getting people to read it?
By Geronimo Rubio
I know, writing a article is one thing. Getting people to read it is a whole other ball game. Seems like a lot of work for nothing to some and to some people, reading articles is kind of boring. Articles are for reading that’s why we write them and getting them read is the task at hand.So we write are articles for whatever reason you may have, sales pitch, branding yourself, there are many reasons. Writing a good article isn‘t that hard, where getting people to read it is a little more difficult. There are rules, guidelines so to speak to write good articles, with great content and attractive looking to the reader.
Here I will discuss 6 ways to improve the reading of your articles and guidelines that I have learned over the years for the best way to get them read and published on other peoples website’s in a lot of cases.
Rules and guidelines I use:
1) Short but detailed paragraphs. When paragraphs get to long, the reader can become bored fast and the words even become scrambled in their mind. Articles that become confusing may seem like a lot of work to the reader to read. So the reader will begin to skip paragraphs (Which may contain important information to your article or sales pitch) and they may leave the article all together before they finish reading it.
2) Use Numbers or Bullets. With bullets or numbers your letting the readers know that this is important or necessary information and they know to pay close attention to it. It also makes your article look more professional and you can explain these important facts in short sentences rather than a long paragraph. It also is easier for your reader to go back to the important facts without having to read through a lot of paragraphs.
3) Sub Headings or Titles for points or subject change of your article. Breaking apart each point or subject within your article makes it easier for your readers to follow. It makes it easier for them to highlight certain areas of interest thus never loosing your readers attention, and they may read over your article several times and use these parts to help or teach others.
4) A Good and Interesting Header. The clitche “Never judge a book by it‘s cover“ is true, but it does help to bring people to open the book to read more. A good strong Title can entice your reader to look more into your article. People are attracted by interesting titles bringing them to read at least the first paragraph of your article, which in fact is my next tip.
But titles are very important do make sure it would draw you to read into the article a couple of paragraphs as well.
5)Your First paragraph and it’s importance. Now that your title has got them to read your article, it’s time to bring them in more. This is where your first Paragraph is important. If your reader becomes bored or confused within this first paragraph, all your hard work is lost. Use captivating content within this first paragraph, usually when a reader reads beyond the first paragraph, they will continue on through to find out what is next.
6) Keeping them Interested or Excited all the way through. There are many ways to do this. Well Written Content is the first. Try not to stray away from the focus of the main subject or title of the article. Your reader is reading because they were interested in the title and first paragraph of your article. So flowing “Off Subject” can lose your reader. It is ok (In some cases) to flow “Off Subject” for a second here and there as long as you return to the main subject quickly and explain why you did go “Off Subject”.
Graphics, Pictures and/or Graphs. Using these mediums to explain or present a visual for your readers can keep them reading all the way through as well. Good Graphics, Pictures and Graphs allow the reader to see what your talking about without having to do to much writing or explaining thus boring your reader again.
It also breaks up the reading of a article (Which can be boring) and allows the reader to relax from reading for a brief moment.
7) Bolding certain keywords and Typos. Highlighting or Bolding certain keywords also makes it easy for readers to find important “Key Elements” of your article. If you help your readers they will feel more inclined to return to read more of your articles in the future. Also, making sure there are no typos in your article gains the respect of your reader, so be sure to proof read your article before submission and spell check often and at the end as well.
So there you have it. A few good tips to get your articles read more. Thank you for reading and good luck in all your endeavors. Peace and GOD speed.
Article Writing and List Building…How do they go together?
By Geronimo Rubio
Driving an audience to your site is as important as providing great content and products or services on your site. These two things go hand in hand, good content, good products and service = success. And lets not forget Great Customer service. But today we are talking about Articles and Opt-In List.
But one thing you will always need is Opt-In Marketing as your “Key” tool. An Opt-In list basically is a “Name & Email” list you gather from your consumers or readers thus allowing you to introduce New Products, Special Savings, Questions and Answers and so on. This strategy of Opt-Marketing can virtually cost you nothing but a little bit of time, and not much of that either. As you should know, building this list is extremely important to the success of your business.
So your Subscriber List or Opt-In List is used to email information about what is going on, coming up or just a message to help them. The emails will contain essential for you to present your promotional items in a manner that will “Capture the Attention” of your subscribers to keep them wanting for more. And one of the best ways to do this is? You guessed it, entertaining, fun and informative “Articles”.
You may be thinking, hmmm, Sales Pitch, Questions and Answers and Special Savings, How can these be considered and Article. Think about News Letters. Have you ever seen a News Letter that contains information on new products or services but was well written in Article Format? Of course you have, you probably receive them in your email all the time, but you may not read them through as soon as you learn it’s another sales pitch or something like it.
But many site owners and companies have learned the importance of articles, article formatted emails or article formatted sales pages. As the popularity of information gathering on the net is growing, putting out the right information via articles on your site, sales pages or landing pages or emails will increase the flow of your sales and traffic. With more traffic, the percentage of your sales will grow and so does your business and state of “Financial Freedom” for you and your family.
I can’ stress enough how important it is to write articles to improve your business. Articles Brand your company, products or services and can brand yourself. This will eventually create a respect for you and everything you promote.
Boosting your sites reputation can be accomplished easily with articles. If they are filled with helpful information to your readers or well researched information on any subject, you can acclaim “Expert” status and thus gain popularity amongst readers and consumers. Research is the “Key” here. Do your research…I recommend this highly.
Also keep your Articles in close relation with your websites genre. In other words, if your website is about Auto parts, write articles about new and improved parts that could help them save gas, make their vehicle safer or something along these lines. Not the latest brand of Ice Cream that hit the shelves at the local grocery store..
So, in conclusion., Well written Articles with fun, entertaining or helpful, informative information can build your Opt-In List with great success thus building your sites reputation, your reputation and in short increasing your sales, profits and success of your business creating “Financial Freedom” for you and your family for years to come.
Again, Thank you for reading and I wish you all the best in all your endeavors. Peace and GOD speed.
Hey everyone,
I have been doing this Affiliate Marketing Thing for awhile now and I have found some pretty good programs that have a decent conversion rate. Now it still depends on your form of Marketing Techniques. But I have written quite a few articles about how I market and strategies I use myself. Although I have listed no specific technique that I use for a specific product or promotional item. Just read over the Articles I have written and I am sure you will figure it out because I know that my readers and subscribers are very intelligent. But it wouldn’t be wise of me to give away all my secrets, now would it…lol.
So today I am going to let you know about a few of them and hopefully they will help you as well. I will also post links to the articles that I have written describing some of the techniques I use.
So here is the list of programs I recommend and after the links to the Articles:
Main Program I Promote
Team Wolf Pack - - Global NPN
I am a Mentor/Success Coach in this program. I do webinars with groups and personal one on one webinars for a more focused training session. We are a success Team - "Team Wolf Pack" of "Wolf Pack Marketing" - who's goals consist of making sure that each member of the team succeeds in Life and Business. Everyone on the team has a variety of talents that they bring to the webinars each and every week.
We have a Mentor who brought this team together. He has over 10 years in the business. He is the creator of Team Wolf Pack and the owner of Wolf Pack Marketing. He is a very generous person sharing all of his knowledge and experience with each of us each and every week.
There has NEVER been a program like this with such an amazing earning potential!
In fact with just 2 referrals, your MONTHLY income could be $5,862.00!
Every month!
How can you pass that up when it’ll only cost you $10 to join? You’ll never have to
pay more than $10.75 per month and the long-term returns are HUGE!
Here’s my link:
Products offered:
Entry Ads - MultiSponder - MultiSponder Plus - Multi-Ad Tracker - Downline Mailer - URL Rotator - Income Search Tool - NPN Messenger (NEW) - NPN Chat (NEW) - Banner Rotator - More Income Section - Multi-Downline Builder
Promotional Items:
My NPN Links - My External Profile - RDS System - eCertificates - Buy Quality Traffic - Buy Quality MLM Leads - Leads Blaster - NPN Banners - The NPN Sponder - Email Solo/Ads - Ad Resources - Solo Ad
1. IX Web Hosting - - This company has a High payout rate and the services are GOLD. The conversion rate is good and they pay on time without hassle.
Words from the program:
“IX Web Hosting is the home of the industry’s most lucrative affiliate program, offering commissions unmatched by our competitors. Our affiliate program was designed around a no-hassle, zero-risk approach, successfully maximizing the benefits to us, to you, and to those clients whom you refer to us. Simply stated, it is a Win/Win/Win situation!”
2. Prank Place - - Prank Place is a great place to get joke material and gadgets. Everybody love’s a good laugh and you may find yourself buying items from this place yourself..
Words from the program:
Make money from your website or newsletter promoting the fun and whacky products at
Our affiliate program is based on a two tier payment system.
We pay you 20% on ALL sales you generate.
We pay you 5% for all sales that are generated from affiliates you refer who become PrankPlace affiliates.
Cookies track your links for up to 30 days. If the visitor returns to our site within 30 days, you still earn the commission.
3. Entire Web - - Entire Web is a directory of many companies. But this directory is growing bigger everyday. Good conversions and payment on time you can’t go wrong promoting this company.
Words from the program:
Join Entireweb Affiliate Program Today!
Start earning money today by promoting Entireweb’s
highly popular products on your own website!
Express Inclusion. Promote Entireweb’s fast page inclusion program and earn 20% commission on each sale.
Site Inclusion. This service ensures that an entire site (up to 1000 pages) is included in Entireweb. At $499.00 US and with 20% commission, this means $100.00 US in commission for a single purchase!
SpeedyAds.Earn 20% commission for each deposit of funds to a SpeedyAds pay-per-click advertising account.
Newsletter Advertising. Priced from $150.00 and upwards. 20% Commission on each sale.
Affiliate. Promote the affiliate system itself and earn a 2nd-tier commission of 10% of whatever commission your referred affiliates earn!
4. Web Hosting Buzz - - Another Web Hosting Site with GREAT pricing and a GREAT pay out rate. Good conversions again and several different plans to offer to your clients.
Words from the program:
Welcome To The Web Hosting Buzz Affiliate Program!
Our program is free to join, it’s easy to sign-up and requires no technical knowledge. Affiliate programs are common throughout the Internet and offer website owners a means of profiting from their websites. Affiliates generate sales for commercial websites and in return receive a percentage of the value of those sales.
 How Does It Work?
When you join the Web Hosting Buzz affiliate program, you will be supplied with a range of banners and textual links that you place within your site. When a user clicks on one of your links to Web Hosting Buzz, their activity will be tracked by our affiliate software. You will earn a commission based on your commission type.
 Real-Time Statistics And Reporting!
Login 24 hours a day to check your sales, traffic, account balance and see how your banners are performing. You can even test conversion performance by creating your own custom links!
Commission Type Pay-Per-Sale: 100% of all sales you deliver.
Payout Threshold $100.00 USD - Minimum balance required for payout.
Payout Duration Payments are made on the 1st of each month, for the previous month.
5. 000webhost - - I think this information can be useful for you. If you plan to get your website, here is one good free web hosting provider to choose -
Words from the program:
They provide hosting absolutely free, there is no catch. You get 250 MB of disk space and 100 GB bandwidth. They also have cPanel control panel which is amazing. Moreover, there is no any kind of advertising on your pages.
We have everything that you may need:
Over 40 banners
Our banners are eye catching with high clickthrough rate. Just copy/paste HTML code of banner and insert to your webpage - signups are guaranteed.
Forum Finder tool
We have found that the best converting traffic come from forums. Forum traffic has over 15% conversion rate and that means if you will refer 100 visitors to our website from forums - 15 will signup and it will earn $75 for you! So we have created this unique tool for you.
Promotional Texts:
We wrote you some ready-to-use texts for promoting our service. Just copy/pastethese texts to your website, blog, or post directly to any forum - signups are guaranteed!
6. ZenZuu - Sign-Up URL: - The more people you have in your downline, the more potiential you have to making a lot more money. Think about it this way:
1. It cost nothing to join, so you don’t lose anything by signing up. IT‘S FREE!.
2. It is a “Social Network” like MySpace. If you spend anytime at all in MySpace, you might as well get paid for it, right.
3. MySpace is making about $20 million a month in revenue off of all of you. Do they share any of it with you? Hell NO! This company will. They are going to share 80% of their ad revenue with everyone on ZenZuu. FREE SIGN UP AND FREE PROFIT SHARING!
4. You can ad:
*Affiliate Ad
*Advertise your business
*Creat you own GROUPS
And you will get paid for it just by logging in 30 times a month. Log in 30 times in one day, a week or once a day for a month. It doesn’t matter, as long as you log in 30 times each month.
These are 7 of the main programs I promote. Yes, Multiple Streams of income are good, just Don’t Over Do It or Burn Yourself Out. Start off slow and build your way up the ladder. Pretty soon you will be cranking out the money and living in the world of “Financial Freedom”.
Although I can’t make anyone any guarantee that these programs will work for you as they do for me. With hard work and determination to succeed, anything is possible and you could surpass me in my success. To all of you I wish you only the best and may your story be a “Story of SUCCESS” to be told for generations to come.
Peace and GOD speed.
Geronimo Rubio
Team Wolf Pack - Wolf Pack Marketing
Now for the Articles:
9. My Videos -
10. My MySpace -